Mobile Health Dev Workshop

Geoffrey W. Smith
John Wilbanks

On September 12, 2019, the Digitalis Commons helped to convene and host a group of experts, in conjunction with Sage Bionetworks, at the New York Genome Center to explore the topic of conducting health research on mobile devices and wearables. Topics explored included obtaining reliable digital measurements, design, engagement and enrollment, and technical approaches for app development, all through the lens of the ethical, legal and social implications of this work.

Video highlights of the event are below:

Andy Coravos, Keynote
Digital Medicine: Clinical Validity, Human Factors and Ethical Research

Megan Doer
Sage's Elements of Informed Consent

Vanessa Barone
Privacy Toolkit: The Role of Design in Defining New "Rules" for Data Privacy in mHealth Research

Woody MacDuffie
Design Manual: Living Design System to Help Researchers Design Studies

Abhi Pratap
Participant Retention in Digital Health Studies

We'd like to thank all the participants and speakers who helped make this day a success: Vanessa Barone, Andrea Coravos, Megan Doerr, Maria Ebling, Deborah Estrin, Adrian Gropper, Mike Kellen, JP Pollak, Abhi Pratep, Mark Rothstein, & John Wilbanks.